11th July
We ended last week with a great trip to the Falconera were the campers came in contact with nature and many adorable animals. The multi- adventure activities were great fun and we learned to overcome our fear of climbing to great heights. There are great photos in our photo gallery.
This week we have begun to look at different Olympic Games, past and present. We will be cooking some delicious treats this week and cooling off from the heat in the pool.
12th July
Today was lots of fun. We are working on artwork of Olympic athletes. We also made cupcakes that we will be decorating tomorrow. I enjoyed watching you all swim at the pool today. You are getting better each day.
13th July
14th July
Hooray – The rain has stopped and the weather was perfect not too hot. We got back to normal today and went swimming and you all did really well. We also decorated the Greek pots with sparkley material.
Really looking forward to the Robotics class tomorrow