Dual Baccalaureate
What does the program offer?
The Dual Diploma is the official program for the international validation of high school degrees that allows students to obtain two simultaneous degrees: their country’s own and the American High School Diploma.

Preparing students for new challenges
Created and developed by Academica Corporation, the Dual Diploma® is the official international validation program for high school degrees that allows students to obtain two simultaneous degrees: their country’s own and the American High School Diploma.
When they finish their studies, Dual Diploma® students achieve exactly the same qualification as American students at the end of High School, which is recognized in all states and in all universities in the world.
Linguistic, technological and personal immersion
Along with the notable improvement in English level, the Dual Diploma provides students with a high degree of personal autonomy and great ease in handling new technologies.
The Dual Diploma can be started in 2nd ESO, 3rd ESO, 4th ESO or 1st Baccalaureate. The advantage of starting earlier is that you will only have 1 or 2 subjects per course.
Double Degree. Students receive the same degree as American students at the end of High School, recognized in all states and in all universities in the world. In addition to the Spanish one.
You will attend this challenge accompanied. You will always be supervised by the project director and the native teachers who will help you at all times and at any time.
Students can take subjects of great interest that are not in the European curriculum and offer extra motivation to the student by expanding their vocabulary in subjects that they would not work on in English: Digital Photography, Criminology, Tourism...
How does it work?
Dual Diploma® students only have to take 6 subjects to obtain the American degree. The international agreements reached by Academica and the educational excellence of the program allow us to obtain the maximum possible validation: 75% of the 24 credits necessary to obtain the American High School Diploma.
Of these 6 subjects, 4 are from the mandatory curriculum and 2 from the elective curriculum, which allows students to take subjects of great interest that are not in the European curriculum and offer extra motivation to the student by expanding their vocabulary in subjects that they would not work on in English: Digital Photography, Criminology, Psychology…
Kelly Simpson, director of the Dual Diploma program, received recognition from Academica Spain as best director of the year last year, for her excellent work leading this modality of academic excellence in Los Naranjos.
4 Year Program – 2nd Year of ESO*
2nd Year of ESO:
3rd Year of ESO:
English & Life Management Skills (electiva obligatoria)
4th Year of ESO:
U.S. History & Elective
1st Year of Bachillerato:
U.S. Government + Economics
*In 2nd ESO, those students who, due to their level of English, maturity and interest, are recommended by the school for enrollment, will be able to access the program.
4 Year Program – 3rd Year of ESO*
3rd Year of ESO:
English & Life Management Skills (electiva obligatoria)
4th Year of ESO:
English & U.S History
1st Year of Bachillerato:
U.S Government + Economics
2nd Year of Bachillerato:
*The program offers the possibility of taking this subject in 1st Baccalaureate, thus completing the Dual Diploma® in just 3 years.
2 Year Program – 1st Year of Bachillerato
4th Year of ESO:
English & Life Management Skills (electiva obligatoria)
1st Year of Bachillerato:
English & U.S History
2nd Year of Bachillerato:
U.S. Government/Economics + Elective*
*Summer School: the program offers students with good grades, who upon reaching 2nd year of Baccalaureate have to take 2 or 3 credits, to advance the elective subject of the last year, taking it during the summer from 1st to 2nd year of Baccalaureate.
2 Year Program – 1st Year of Bachillerato
1st Year of Bachillerato:
English & U.S. History & Life Management Skills (electiva obligatoria)
2nd Year of Bachillerato:
English & U.S. Government + Economics & Elective*
*Summer School: The program offers students with good grades, who upon reaching 2nd year of Baccalaureate have to take 2 or 3 credits, to advance the elective subject of the last year, taking it during the summer from 1st to 2nd year of Baccalaureate.
Our students recommend their experience in the Dual Baccalaureate
It is important to give students the possibility of growing educationally if they have the necessary qualities to do so. Mainly, the student must have a high academic level so that the time they dedicate to the Dual does not take away from them, but rather adds to them. Your level of English must also be good, or have a high predisposition to acquire it, since it is one of the fundamental characteristics for correct follow-up of the subjects. However, it is the point that is most influenced and does not necessarily have to be at a high level, but will be acquired through the Program.