Summer School Archivos - Página 7 de 7 - Colegio Los Naranjos

Music is fun!!!

It is said that music is the universal language. It doesn’t understand of age, gender, or where you are from. We believe that through music kids learn important life skills, like how to work as a team and appreciate the rewards that come from working together....

5th July: Summer is the time to have fun as much as we can

Summer is the time to have fun as much as we can! Kids must play and enjoy themselves! That’s why we have been playing games and doing some crafts too! Moreover, kids love Science and so, doing experiments is always the best choice if we want to spend a good...

3 julio: Welcome Summer School 2017

Welcome Summer School 2017! This summer is gonna be a blast as we have many fun activities planned and we will be discovering what we “wanna be” while performing, experimenting, playing instruments, learning to cook and going on exciting adventures. Today, it’s...

Menú del comedor – Julio 2017 – Summer School

Aquí os dejamos el menú de la Summer School. Comida elaborada en nuestra cocina, gestionada por el Grupo Gloriamar, supervisada por un nutricionista y equilibrada calóricamente. Disponemos de menús para intolerantes al glúten, a la lactosa, con carne Halal y otros...
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