Technician in Guide in the Natural Environment and Free Time. CFGM.

Professional family: Physical and sports activities
Level: Medium Level Training Cycle
Duration: 2,000h

First course: 960h
Second course: 1,040h

Shift: Tomorrow
Face-to-face modality

As a Guide Technician in the Natural Environment and Free Time, you will be able to:

  • Design guided physical-sports activities with groups in the natural environment, valuing the characteristics of the participants, the type of progression and the performance environment.
  • Organize guided physical-sports activities with groups in the natural environment, carrying out the procedures and ensuring the necessary resources to carry them out.
  • Carry out maintenance of the materials and equipment necessary to carry out the activity, using the most appropriate techniques and following established protocols.
  • Invigorate cultural and free-time activities by motivating participation in them, adapting to the characteristics of the participants and taking into account basic safety and risk prevention measures.
  • Guide groups through low and medium mountain itineraries, adapting them to the dynamics of the activity and the group of participants.
  • Guide groups through low-difficulty caves and low-difficulty ravines with the necessary progression and safety techniques.
  • Guide groups through bicycle itineraries, adapting them to the dynamics of the activity and the group of participants.
  • Guide groups through equestrian itineraries, adapting them to the dynamics of the activity and the group of participants.
  • Move in the aquatic environment mastering swimming styles.
  • Guide groups through the natural aquatic environment in pleasure boats exempt from dispatch, adapting to the dynamics of the activity and the group of participants.
  • Guide users in leisure and adventure facilities, informing them about safety conditions, controlling their implementation and solving possible contingencies.
  • Organize the overnight stay and continuity in the natural environment of groups, taking into account the characteristics of the participants, the activity and guaranteeing safety.
  • Determine and adopt the necessary security measures in the event of risk situations arising from the environment or people to carry out the activity.
  • Provide basic care to participants who suffer accidents during the development of activities.
  • Direct the group in emergency situations, coordinating security measures and/or carrying out land and water rescue, applying rescue and evacuation techniques, using the resources and methods most appropriate to the situation.
  • Design equestrian itineraries up to mid-mountain and bicycle itineraries through terrain up to mid-mountain.
  • Design and organize recreational physical-sports activities guided by the natural environment.
  • In charge of prevention and safety on bicycle routes and events and on equestrian routes and events.
  • Guide in hiking activities, mountaineering through low and medium mountains, crossing through low and medium mountains, and snowy Nordic routes with snowshoes.
  • Guide to low difficulty ravines.
  • Low difficulty caving guide
  • Mountain bike itinerary guide.
  • Cycle tourism itinerary guide.
  • Horseback riding itinerary guide.
  • Guide to itineraries through the aquatic environment in pleasure boats exempt from shipping.
  • Monitor of camps, youth hostels, colony houses, farm-schools, and classrooms and nature schools.
  • Monitor of activities within the school framework.
  • Monitor of leisure and adventure facilities.
  • Life guard.

People who obtain this title carry out their activity in the field of sports-recreational activities in nature and active, sports or adventure tourism, as well as in free-time socio-educational activities, in the areas of organization, development, dynamization, monitoring and evaluation of said activities and in prevention, surveillance and rescue in natural aquatic spaces. They can also carry out their activity in aquatic intervention units and rescue and lifesaving teams.


Riding techniques224
Equestrian guide64
Organization of itineraries64
Low and medium mountain guide192
Bike guide192
Swimming techniques64
Group dynamics64
Training and career counseling96


Technician I

TOTAL960 hours


Attention to groups44
Free time techniques88
First aid in the natural environment132
Guide in the aquatic natural environment132
Rope maneuvers154
Business and Entrepreneurship66
Technical English II44
Formation in work centers380
TOTAL1.040 horas

The title of Technician in Guide in the Natural Environment and Free Time allows access to Baccalaureate or continuing with other Vocational Training studies.

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