Early Childhood Education

A "successful school" is one that manages to exploit and develop the potential of each child to be the best version of themselves.

Free education in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education from 1 to 3 years (pending publication). ​

Our educative program

To get started in the programming language.
Musical program
With the Fasolet Method of stimulation of intelligence.
Green classroom
Outdoor classes.
Physical excellence
Glenn Domann program based on body and movement.
Language school
Con profesorado nativo, desde 1 añoWith native teachers, from 1 year.
Expressive art desing
Imagination is the source of all human achievements.
learning by doing


If we start from the basis that each boy and girl has their own learning pace, we cannot ignore the fact that this being the case, each child learns at their own pace, without impositions. Our main idea is that by guiding the child through autonomous learning and letting him learn by “doing” and experimenting for himself with his environment, we will ensure that he naturally becomes the protagonist of his learning, that he is critical of his possibilities and limitations, that they create their own point of view on the things that surround them and finally it is the boys and girls who build their own personality and unique way of thinking.


We learn mathematics in a fun way, we encourage mental calculation through everyday objects where students learn at their own pace, naturally from close and manipulative situations. When a boy or girl understands the size of numbers, thinks about them, represents them in different ways and uses them as references, they discover their rules and, therefore, the relationships that exist between them. Children enjoy exploring mathematics through play and developing language skills at the same time. The students understand what they are doing, obtaining very good results. The chess program improves children's ability to concentrate, develops their sense of creativity, stimulates their patience and persistence, their memory abilities and even decision-making.


Language initiation from an early age is a priority for the Center. For this reason, all students from 1-6 years old carry out activities or routines in English every day. The sessions are taught with the most advanced methods and pedagogical and technological materials with native teachers. From 3 to 6 years, the Spanish curriculum is worked on but using English as the primary language in 50% of the areas. In this way, students learn both languages ​​at the same time, assimilating the linguistic structures naturally. We introduce a second foreign language, French, from the age of 3 onwards. They learn to read and write in a simple way without realizing it, improving attention, facilitating concentration and stimulating learning.


Physical excellence program based on the Glenn Doman method, which includes: breathing, crawling, running, crawling, braching and balance, with a variety of movements and games, with the objective that the child has fun and develops strength, agility, coordination, the respiratory system, and with it, greater intellectual development, gaining child in determination and autonomy.


Comprehension Projects that facilitate the child to reach understanding through activities that respond to Multiple Intelligences and help develop the motor, cognitive, emotional, and relational capacities that she needs to to be able to live and coexist in our current world. The classroom, outdoor learning environment, and our own community provide wonderful opportunities for exploration and discovery of our around.


Musical practice is taught curricularly from an early age with the “Fasolet” Method since it is considered essential to awaken the senses, improve listening, enhance memory and encourage creativity, essential as a form of accompaniment in their growth process, helping develop in the student motor skills, coordination, musical and emotional sensitivity, memory, attention, concentration, logical thinking, socialization and creativity.


"Imagination is the source of all human achievements." Sir Ken Robinson.
Design and Artistic Expression is a space for creation and experimentation with various materials, textures and techniques. Boys and girls have different possibilities to express themselves freely. developing their creative capacity, enhancing artistic interest and encouraging the imagination.

Being happy is the main thing

We want a quality education for your children but above all, and most importantly, for them to be happy!

We recognize that the close relationship between school and family is essential to help the child achieve his/her unlimited possibilities and, therefore, our vision is to be part of this teaching-learning process as a guide, providing the necessary tools to equip to students with problem-solving skills that allow them to solve problems with creativity and enthusiasm and build significant and experiential knowledge.

“Children’s teaching team”

Our environment

Our school is in a privileged and quiet natural environment surrounded by fields with views of the mountains, around the city of Gandía.

In Preschool, all indoor and outdoor spaces are potential places of learning. We have bright classrooms with large windows with direct access to the outside, which are equipped with the latest methodologies and safety, hygiene and air conditioning measures, creating a stimulating place for our educational project.

Cozy classrooms where you can learn, live together and be happy.

patio nuevo colegio los naranjos

Free education in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education from 1 to 3 years (pending publication). ​

The first cycle of early childhood education, from 0 to 3 years old, in the Valencian Community will be free starting in the next academic year 2024/2025. This was announced on April 15 by the Government of the Generalitat after the last meeting held with the most representative organizations of the sector, among which is ACADE. This new situation is expected to be reflected in the next Order that will be processed on an extraordinary basis, and which will replace the current Decree.

Do you have any questions or do you want us to call you?