Secondary Education

Anywhere and at any time, study what you are passionate about and what you are not passionate about, do not allow pressures and criticism to keep you from the path, because it is your life and your destiny what you build.

Our educative program

Robotics and programming
Development of STEAM skills.
Directed study program
Custom reinforcement. Expansion High capacities Virtual classes.
Active methodologies
Multiple intelligences, thinking based learning, blended learning, microlearning, edutainment, gamification in the classroom, among others.
Healthy action project
Team Sport.
Promoting the social values ​​of team sports.
Language school
With native teachers.
New digital and responsible ICT technologies
Moodle 3.5 educational platform, ESEMTIA
Communication platform MDM Jamf School.


The digital learning that students acquire encourages critical thinking, communication, cooperation and creativity, preparing them for future challenges.
- APPLE ONE TO ONE: Students have their own iPad from 1st grade onwards. Apple's iOS system that integrates a multitude of teaching tools, a variety of applications that promote more flexible, collaborative learning adapted to your learning process.
Regulations good practices for iPad use.
- MDM Jamf School : control of devices and authorized APPS
- Zuludesk Management System, Zuludesk Teacher, Zuludesk Parents
- Teachers have obtained the Apple Teacher recognition certificate.
- Educational platform Moodle 3.5 integrated into esemtia.
- We create and manage virtual learning spaces adapted to the learning pace of our students.
- Esemtia.Family-student-teacher communication platform.
- Blended Learning Given the large number of innovations, learning is adopted that combines digital media with traditional methods.


Teaching sessions dedicated to promoting critical capacity and reasoning.
Students learn to speak in public developing their expression and exposing their arguments.
Participation in Debate League ACTIVA-T Educational Foundation.


Our main objective is to commit to a new teaching style that will make our students the protagonists of their learning process, increasing interest and motivation towards study. .
New methodologies so that our students are better prepared for the challenges of the future.

proyecto accion saludable


One of the main objectives in the secondary stage is to consolidate healthy habits that allow students to have tools to improve their quality of life. It is proven that physical exercise helps improves academic performance due to the positive effect on the cognitive level (concentration-attention). It also offers many benefits as a motivating and socializing agent: curricular expansion and physical education, reduction in the rate of overweight and obesity, food adapted to the needs of the students and provision of a healthy cafeteria.

nuevas habilidades los naranjos


The skills that are currently in demand will disappear and will be transformed in the future, it is essential to prepare our young people for this new environment.
- Code. The programming is installed in our center as another language, promoting creative thinking that helps solve problems.
- STEAM. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics make up the Anglo-Saxon term STEM, to which an A has been added, for Art. We give importance to creativity, since without creative thinking, there would be no scientific progress.
- Design Thinking. Entrepreneurship. The promotion of entrepreneurship, a creative and problem-solving mentality, is a skill that is increasingly in demand by companies themselves.
- Mindful Learning. Take into consideration the student as a being with aspirations, motivations and unique needs , which is in relationship and harmony with the environment that surrounds it.
- Social Responsibility. Forming a more aware and responsible student concerned about their environment.
- Majority of Minorities. Real inclusion, respect and acceptance of diversity.
- Soft Skills. Skills such as empathy, teamwork, resilience, proactivity, active listening and integrative leadership, necessary in the future work environment and to integrate effectively. positive in a healthy and happy society.

programa estudio dirigido los naranjos


This program aims to personalize the learning pace of all students, taking into account diversity during non-school hours with the subject teacher.
- Personalized reinforcement program. Reinforcement of the contents taught and resolution of doubts. Monitoring of subjects not passed in the previous year.
- Program to expand students with High abilities. Participation in academic competitions and University Olympics. Curricular expansion through recreational tools.
- Virtual classes through the Moodle platform to individualize the learning pace.

plurilinguismo colegio los naranjos secundaria


We are committed to language learning because it is essential for students to know other ways of thinking and seeing reality and it represents a competitive advantage in the future that will allow them to function anywhere in the world. Our students achieve linguistic development in Spanish, English, French and Valencian.

- Language Department: Exam C1 of the QUALIFYING BOARD. Participation in literary contests
- English Department: Preparation and presentation for official PEARSON TEST OF ENGLISH exams (B1, B2, C1, C2) at no additional cost to families.
- Dual diploma: Linguistic, technological and personal immersion. Official program for INTERNATIONAL CONVALIDATION of Baccalaureate Degrees.
- Cultural exchange programs: Cultural exchange with Denmark, European Project with Schola.
- French Department: Decided commitment to second foreign language with accreditation of official French DELF exams.
- AMERICAN DREAM International Competition


An interdisciplinary educational methodology that is used for the development of the skills grouped in the acronym STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). The benefits it brings:
- Improves attention capacity and concentration.
- Enhances creativity.
- Teamwork is encouraged.
- Promotes the ability to solve problems.
- More autonomy and interest in experimentation and learning.
- Increases the self-esteem of the students.
- Encourages logical thinking.

secundaria los naranjos

Strengthening meaningful learning for the development of skills

The educational system has changed in recent decades because future professionals capable of showing different skills are needed to achieve success.

The importance of working on skills implies that teaching is oriented towards life skills. It is not only about acquiring knowledge in the academic field, but also about developing and adapting said knowledge to life outside the classroom and being useful in the personal and professional sphere.

Skills to acquire:

  • Linguistic Communication
  • Mathematical Competence and Competence based on Science and
  • Technology
  • Digital competence
  • Learn to learn
  • Social and civic skills
  • Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
  • Cultural awareness and expressions

“Secondary teaching team”

Our environment

Our center is located in a privileged and quiet natural environment surrounded by fields with views of the mountains, around the city of Gandía.

At our stage, all indoor and outdoor spaces are potential places of learning. We have bright classrooms with large windows with direct access to the outside, which are equipped with the latest methodologies and safety, hygiene and air conditioning measures, creating a stimulating place for our educational project.

Cozy classrooms that encourage learning.

patio los naranjos secundaria
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