ksimpson Colegio los Naranjos, Autor en Colegio Los Naranjos - Página 4 de 5

Intercambio Dinamarca: Un amigo Danés

Este curso escolar con los alumnos de 1o de bachillerato hemos iniciado un proyecto de intercambio grupal y personal con los compañeros de un instituto de Vejen ( Dinamarca ). La idea surgió a raíz de la visita de nuestra ex alumna Tina María Blomkvist, profesora de...

Camp goes Circus Crazy

It was a big day today at camp as we put on a mini-production of our very own Circus, the “Greatest Show on Earth.” It was a spectacular show featuring many talents. The show started off with Tamara’s group where Sofia and Victor were animal tamers...

Camp provides a great opportunity for making friends

One of the great things about summer camp is making friends. As camp teachers we see it year after year. Children who hardly know each other the first week of camp become best friends by the last days of camp. Camp is an intense experience of new activities with new...

Fossil hunting at camp. They were paleontologists for the day.

What are fossils? They are the remains of living things and their biological activities. We can also say that they are molds of part of or all of a living being, preserved in sedimentary rocks. And how do we know this? Because we went in search of fossils today at...
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